Комментарий:Который, будучи португальцем, работает в мадридском "Реале", работал и в
лондонском "Челси", и в миланском "Интере". Звать его Жозе, то бишь
Иосиф, а прозвище - "The Special One" (In a press conference upon
joining the English side, Mourinho said, "Please don't call me arrogant,
but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one", which resulted
in the media dubbing him "The Special One"). Про Иосифа и его
удивительный, разноцветный плащ:
And his father couldn't see the danger
He could not imagine any danger
He just saw in Joseph all his dreams come true
Jacob wanted to show the world he loved his son
To make it clear that Joseph was the special one
So Jacob bought his son a coat.