Кубок Провинций - 2015

1 тур, вопрос 4

Раздаточный материал:
Catasterous - Disasterous, as in, "Upgoing bubbles is a catasterous
Gruncious - Awful, as in, "It's the grueful gruncious Jack! Jack is
after me!"
Hopscotchy - Cheerful, as in, "a few gollops of frobscottle is always
making me hopscotchy"
Propsposterous - Ridiculous, as in, "They maybe is looking a bit
propsposterous to you"
Rotsome - Rotten, as in "So this is the filthing rotsome glubbage you
is eating!"
Squibbling - Writing, as in "But I cannot be squibbling the whole
gropefluncking dream on a titchy bit of paper."
Английский писатель использовал в своих книгах необычные слова. Перед вами некоторые из этих слов, с объяснениями, что они значат. Напишите фамилию писателя.