Юваль НОЖ Харари 4: «Моё имя — Нож, а фамилия — Харари»

Тур 3, вопрос 12

Раздаточный материал:
«Clearly, it’s not working, whatever I’m doing. So, I don’t know. Maybe, like, a hospital and meet a doctor. A law firm. I think it’s gonna be like, scientist, neuroscientist, biochemist, doctor, attorney. That’s maybe what I envision in the future»
Kim Kardashian
My ex says she gave me the best years of her life
I saw a recent picture of her, I guess she was right
Kanye West — 30 Hours
С какого четырехбуквенного слова начинается трек Канье Уэста 24?